Monday, May 3, 2010

Spider-man Movies Review

As you have obviously noticed i love Spider-man, however i do not feel the same about the movies. Now i do like the story in each one, most of Spider-man 3 excluded, but i feel they could have been much better. Granted they weren't as god awful as Ben Affleck's Daredevil but they were just not that good.

Now after rambling way to long on my comic review i have decided to keep this shorter. The effects in this movie were great but the casting was weak. To its credit though i thought the villains, except for Venom were cast great! I loved Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin, as well as Alfred Molina's Doc Ock and Thomas Haden Church as Sandman was a dead ringer especially in look. But the main cast was just way too off. James Franco definitely pulled off the daddy issues and the struggle with the i hate him i love him jazz but he didn't have Harry's friendship for Peter at all and also didn't play the rich boy well at all. Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane drove me nuts, but in the bad way. She had flat acting and came off more 'slutty' to me then anything. She makes it really seem all she wants is attention. Aunt May is good but i just feel like i don't know to be honest i just don't like her. If you've read my casting suggestions for the Spider-man reboot you know that i think the best part of this whole cast is J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson. He is the only person i think is a more perfect match for his character than Robert Downey Jr. is as Tony Stark. With that lets move onto our main star Tobey Maguire.

To be honest i think Tobey Maguire is a great actor, in certain roles. He was great in Seabiscut and Brothers but he was not Peter Parker or Spider-man. He was not funny, and instead of being witty he seemed like a douche. He was to quiet and had a very very limited range of facial expressions not to mention that i laughed at his crying in the end of Spider-man 3 cause he just looked so awkward. He did have this though, he had intensity. His screams of anger and fear as well as the fight between him and Harry in Harry's place are great moments of intensity and emotion. Therefore i think Tobey Maguire is great but only as an angry guy or a jerk. Sorry Tobey. I hope the reboot does well and really brings the characters to life in the way Iron Man and the Hulk did.

To end Amazing April I'll leave you with my favorite Spider-man scene

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