Saturday, May 22, 2010

Iron Man 2 Easter Eggs

That's right ladies and gentleman, Iron Man 2 has finally arrived and I will soon be posting my review of it, but before I do that I wanted to post on the several Easter eggs in Iron Man 2. Now I have seen it several times and being a huge comic book nerd I have located several of these Easter eggs, now for those who don't know, these Easter eggs in particular aren't our usual, tie died poultry products delivered by a giant bunny that would more likely cause terror in children than comfort...especially the red eyed ones! Have you seen those?! They are so demonic looking! Any who, the Easter eggs I'm referring to is a term for items, props, jokes, or dialogue in a movie that is a reference either to the actors real life or career, the comic or book its based off of, a link to upcoming movies, or the original versions of the film i.e. Lou Ferrigno appearing in the new Incredible Hulk starring Edward Norton. So grab your tacky baskets and faux grass and lets begin our hunt!

-First lets start with the obvious ones like Captain America's shield, let me say I loved this scene especially the joke about it being the solution, but that raised a question with me, is the new element Tony created Vibranium? Vibranium is the special metal that makes Captain America's shield so unique and powerful and one of a kind in the comics so i don't know but it was worth the speculation. And for those of you who were wondering how Tony got Caps shield, it's because Howard Stark knew Captain America so either Tony obtained blueprints from him or is trying to recreate it I'm not sure.

-Next for everybody who stayed after the credits we found out that the incident in New Mexico that was continually referred to throughout the movie by Agent Coulson and Nick Fury was the arrival of Thor's hammer on Earth, this is not only a throwback to the comic of Thor's arrival but a tag to the upcoming Thor movie staring Chris Hemsworth. Now there has been a lot of speculation on when the Thor movie will take place in this Avengers time stream. Not many know but Norton's Incredible Hulk takes place during Iron Man 2, this is why Tony Stark is in the after credits scene in the Hulk, he's being a consultant. But since the Thor movie will take place in Asgard, which is before Thor comes to Earth, I assume Thor will end during Iron Man 2.

-Also when Tony is looking through Howard's personal belongings we can see a Captain America comic, also a map of Antarctica which is where i think the movies have decided to place the frozen Captain America, even though in the comic it's in the North Pole. Plus in the Incredible Hulk alternate opening also takes place in Antarctica if I remember correctly and in that scene you can quickly see a frozen Captain America.

-Now on to the less obvious Easter eggs, first how old is Nick Fury? In the movie we know he worked with Howard to develop SHIELD so he must have been pretty old then, how is he still alive? Well not many know but Nick fought in WWII and once wounded was treated by Dr. Berthold Sternberg who gave him "The Infinity Formula" this healed him and now slows his aging.

-In Monaco when Tony is trying to get a table and a man mentions he has an idea for an electric jet, this is a reference to the Avengers famous Quinjet.

-Now we get to The Mandarin. The Mandarin is Iron Man's arch-enemy in the comics, he is the puppet master behind many of the enemies of Tony Stark by use of the Ten Rings, which in the comic are ten magic rings The Mandarin uses, each with a different ability but in the movies it has been retooled to be the organization that contains all of Tony's villains. In the first movie The Ten Rings is the group that captures Tony, in Iron Man 2 a member of the Ten Rings is the one who gives the Russian Whiplash the passports and papers he needs when he sets out to destroy Tony. Another and very interesting Ten Rings reference is a ring has been worn by each of Tony's villains. In the first one Obidiah Stane wears one as well as Raza, and in the 2nd Justin Hammer wears one. Hammer was often a cohort to the Mandarin in the TV series. The Mandarin will be featured in Iron Man 3, Favreau has already confirmed.

Now to the last of the Easter eggs. In the end when Tony is being reviewed for the Avengers we can see references to every Avenger. On one screen you see the news report from Culver University from The Incredible Hulk movie(this is after the Blonsky/Ross fight) You can also see the crater in New Mexico.

The most showing is of the maps on the screens,all of them show circled areas. Each is a location of an Avenger. One shows New Mexico which is obviously Thor, one is Africa, more specifically Wakanda which is where Black Panther rules, NYC is The Hulk since that is where the final battle takes place, Los Angeles is Iron Man, the Atlantic is the location of Prince Namor, the Arctic is Captain America, and the other one is over Norway which is where Asgard is located.

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