Monday, May 31, 2010

The Real Life Tony Stark

Well May is at an end and with that so is our month of Iron Man related topics. We laughed, we least I did when I typed that last Easter egg blog and it all got deleted so I had to retype it and I hope we all had fun. So how do we end this month on an epic note? Well by showing you the real life version of Tony Stark, flying suit not included...for now.
His name is Everett Bradford, he's 22 and has created and incredible device. He calls it The Prometheus Device. Now it's not Iron Man's repulsors but it's the closest thing so far and really damn cool. Observe:

That's right it's a flamethrower! He's currently in development of a newer more efficient system as seen in the video below. This video also allows us a sneak peak at how it's made. Sit back an revel.

Now as I said before I find this completely awesome and with the intelligence Everett seems to have it may not be long till he's flying around New York dispatching villains and dispensing justice. Congrats Everett and thank you for opening my eyes to possibilities.

Thanks to all of you who read my posts this month and I hope you all enjoyed.

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