Sunday, May 9, 2010

Real Life Iron Man Suits

Continuing Mechanical May I thought we'd get into some Iron Man tech and I'd show you the real life Iron Man suits already in development. That's right Iron Man may not be as far away as we think. Several companies and one independent inventor have already created robotic suits that give there wearer enhanced strength or durability. Who are these creators well lets take a look.

Raytheon Sarcos

This is the first one on our list, not as glamorous as Iron Man but incredibly effective. Raytheon's research facility in Salt Lake City, Utah has developed this exoskeleton for the soldier of tomorrow. What are its capabilities? Well it allows the wearer to lift 200lbs repeatedly without exhaustion while still keeping him agile. How does it do this, a combination of sensors and controllers allow it to do the tasks the human pilot is trying to achieve by reading his movements and signals but it takes the strain for him. Below is a video of it being used, ignore the lame looking poster of the soldier wearing it.


Our next on the list straight out of Japan, HAL stands for Hybrid Assistive Limb and it uses the same principles and essentially the same tech as Sarcos but with slight variations. However this one looks much more Iron Man-esque and who's it developed by, why none other than Cyberdyne, that's right Cyberdyne, but fear not Terminator fans this is not the one and the same and Skynet is nowhere near completion. This suit is made not for war like Sarcos but for help. HAL was created to help train doctors and physical therapists, assist disabled people, allow laborers to carry heavier loads, and aid in emergency rescues. The suit itself weighs 50lbs and runs on a 100-volt AC battery(not an arc reactor) that gives it about 5 hours of energy depending on use and multiplies the wearers physical capabilities by ten times by reading and interpreting muscle signals and applying the appropriate force. Below is a video of it in action


This suit is designed by an independent inventor in Canada named Troy Hurtubise(her-chew-bees) and is more made for soldiers and includes several gizmo's, contraptions and safety devices for our fighting men and women. But this isn't Troy's first attempt at protective suits, he had an earlier creation designed to withstand grizzly bear attacks, however Troys new suit, The Trojan, can withstand far more than that. With it primarily composed of ballistic foam as well as tech plastic plates it can withstand shrapnel, IED's(Improvised Explosive Device), shotgun fire, 12 gauge, small arms, it is hydraulic shock proof and knife proof. This ballistics suit weighs 50lbs and is loaded with gadgets to protect and aid in rescue for soldiers, but with to many features to mention such as a built in mini TV for viewing camera footage I'll let the video below do the rest.

So with these incredible suits in development it may not be to long till the Invincible Iron Man and War Machine are common place in our world.

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