Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Man of Steel Movie and the Nolans Involvement


For those of you that haven't heard there is going to be a rebooted Superman movie, This time under the title of Man of Steel,(I'm not a big Superman fan but that's a pretty epic title)what makes this story a little more interesting is the news that it will be written by David Goyer. Now Goyer was also the writer for Batman Begins, snd The Dark Knight, two very well acclaimed and great movies. He is also currently signed on to write X-Men Origins: Magneto, and the third Batman installment. What has added even more interest has been the announcement that Jonah Nolan, who is co-writing the third Batman movie alongside Goyer, has also signed on to co-write the Man of Steel movie. Not to mention the fact that Christopher Nolan has agreed to nanny, or "godfather" the Superman movie. So to sum up this means that the same dynamic team that revolutionized Batman is now taking the reigns of the Superman franchise. Personally I'm excited about this, I'm not a huge Superman fan for the fact that I feel he is too invincible, to far away from someone people can identify with unlike Batman, he's someone they wish they could be instead of someone who makes it seem attainable, and I feel Batman inspires more of a message. But i do love Superman for his perseverance, his moral code, and his ability to stick to his guns (plus if you've ever seen the Justice League cartoon on Cartoon Network,those titanic punches and the sound they make are incredible) so I'm excited for this movie. He is a big role model in American culture and if this team can bring the same depth, passion, action and story to this movie that they did to the Batman films, then i thoroughly can't wait.

Thanks for reading.
P.S. I know Superman is called the Man of Steel hence the title, I just think it's a bad ass choice to name the movie that.

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