Friday, February 26, 2010

Frank Miller, Please Never Pen Another Batman

Okay, now to everyone before I start, first off, I am in love with what Frank Miller has done in the past, especially with Batman: Year One written in 1988 which is quite possibly my all time favorite Batman comic, it had amazing and fighting, titanic origins that I have never found anywhere else and it is a definite must read for all, I also love Dark Knight Returns(even though its kind of off topic and more political, but still good) which was written in the early 90's.

Now to the point, Frank Miller, you are the man that defined Batman and I have been a enormous fan of and admirer of Batman ever since Year One, you even called him a "as pure and good a hero as you'll ever find"(I may have messed up a word or two, but same message) But now you have gone and destroyed him.
In the series Dark Knight Strikes Again you have a whole series in which Batman is rarely mentioned not to mention, the writing is terrible, you try to use hip lingo, there is no background scenery, you put emphasis(the bold writing) at the completely wrong times making it sound like everyone has tourettes, and you took the Justice League (Superman, Wonder woman in particular) and have them working for Lex Luthor without any plausibility, does anyone honestly think they would ever ever let that happen, especially the always rebellious Wonder woman! Also you made Superman (who i'm not a big fan of but respect him) a moron, he's dumb impractical and you have Bruce tell him he never knew how to strategize though he constantly saved the world and the JLA with his plans.

Now back to Batman...
DC did a series for new readers of their comics called All Stars in which the old characters are retold for readers to not have to know their history, Batman was one of these, it's titled Batman and Robin All Star (I say read it, just stop at borders read it and leave to see this terror) In it Batman is murderous, kidnaps Robin after his parents death and terrorizes him, screaming at him and hitting him! He also makes several horribly pediphilic sounding statements about Robin! Not to mention that once again he repeats the same damn text over and over, Robin constantly repeating” they always catch me" 6 times on 2 pages and Vicky Vale saying she has "a date with Bruce Wayne" 7 times, also annoyingly everybody refers to Dick Grayson(Robin) as Dick Grayson age 12 every time they mention him!!!!!! I’m not kidding! Every fucking time!!!
Also Batman is beyond out of character, he kills cops, and when Robin asks who he is he says and I quote" ARE YOU RETARDED, I'M THE GODDAMN BATMAN!!!" does that sound like the Batman anybody on earth knows???
Also the sex is ridiculous Vicky is in a bra and panties, talking about Superman having a steel hard penis and her ass talks!!! oh and the original script Miller wrote for it says for the artist" make em drool, draw her a smoking hot babe with an ass that wont quit, draw a very real laced bra, get a great close-up of that perfect ass" etc. now I don’t want that person writing one of the greatest heroes of all time, do you?
Frank Miller, I respect you for your past but as far as I’m concerned you've fallen so far from grace, you built Batman’s amazing empire and now thoroughly destroyed it! That Batman mentioned above is for new readers to get to know him and you gave them a god awful abomination to the Batman name and cowl!
I hope for the legacy's sake you never pen another Batman comic again.

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