Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Spider-man has been cast!

Finally Spider-man has been cast! Andrew Garfield will be the brand new Webhead in the upcoming Spider-man reboot. He is an American born british actor, that means his dad was American and he was born in America but his mum is British. Now lots of people have been trashing this upcoming movie saying it will be crap because it's not Toby Maguire or cause he's british or the other ones were so good, or why did the change all the actrs for the 4th movie? Well to state this plain and clear cause it's not being said clearly enough. This is a reboot of the whole series of Spider-man, it's not a 4th. This series will be closer to the comics so hopefully more like Spider-man unlike in the current movies, now it will be about Peter in highschool. That may be iffy but at least it will distinguish Spider-man's story from the rest of the Marvel heroes. Instead of another adult saving the world which i think will make it more liked by kids. Also the reasons for this reboot are: one that Sony needed to make a new Spidey movie or they had to sell rights back to Marvel, this is'nt solely a Marvel decision so don't get mad at them. Two, the last movie turned many off from the series because of Raimi's terrible work, i mean for gods sake he took the most notorious Marvel villain Venom and made him dull and unterrifying plus it became so corny and campy, so they needed to bring people back therefore the director change was neccessary, And three with the harrassment of Spider-man 3 the actors were less than enthusiastic to come back so they needed a new cast. Those bashing Garfield, he has big shoes to fill and with that weight on his shoulders im sure he'll give it his best. The movie may suck it may be amazing or just okay, but wait till the trailer before we judge.

Personally i think he will do great! I've seen him in his other roles such as Boy A and he is charming and can play awkward and funny and gawky and loving ansd sad all really well. Plus his crying face looks good versus Toby's 3 year old fat baby face cry from Spider-man 1&3. Not to mention Garfield does look pretty close to the part. Plus that looks like a guy you believe is nerdy and weak but at the same time could throw on that tough fight face. I can't wait for the reboot! Here's to hoping it's amazing.

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