Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Hulk Recast

At Comic-Con this weekend it was announced that The Hulk will be played by Mark Ruffalo for sure in the Avengers movie. As I said in my previous Hulk post I think Ruffalo will do alright and i still stand by that. However after some consideration I feel that sadly replacing Norton may have been the smart move. Norton does have a reputation of being "difficult" to work with in Hollywood but only in the sense that he always wants more done,like deeper character development, which as far as I'm concerned isn't a bad thing.( however he gripes when it doesn't go his way) However in a movie such as the Avengers where Banner(Norton's would be role) will be minimal, probably only a few scenes, and where every actor needs to be taken care of, Norton's attitude of wanting to rewrite scripts for better character development that HE feels are right(this is what happened in the first Hulk with Norton)would be an inconvenience and more than likely cause spats on set and slow production. I love Norton i really do i think he's a great actor and guy but he has made some arrogant moves, and trust me I did my research(3hrs.) and more than one director has made this claim of difficulty on Norton,the biggest one, at least relating to the Hulk was even though eventually the studio did allow him to write parts of the script, he later refused to promote the Hulk, which is kinda part of the whole acting in a movie thing. So maybe it is best for the big picture to change him. However I do stand by my statement that Marvel was being a massive group of D-bags when they made the statement "he didn't embody the role and they were looking for someone better". Dick move. He did embody the role, he just didn't embody the movie. And it also was about money as well im sure. But the bottom line seems to be they want someone who can go with the flow and do interpretations of their character but not mass rewrites like Norton. So it's a plays well with others scenario.

Like I said I love Norton I do, and heck he loves to create deep character develpoment so much that I think he should try directing I honestly think he would be amazing at that, and I really really really do wish they would have kept him for Avengers because he was the perfect Banner. But they didn't so we as a group of fans regardless of what happened, and we will never know cause these 2 groups will never sit down and tell their sides fully have to move on and realize the bigger picture. WE HAVE A FREAKING AVENGERS MOVIE!!! XD

P.S. Those thinking my reporting was one sided alot of my research came from Lois Letterier's(the director of the first Hulk with Norton) statements and he agreed with Norton on wanting more character development and was on his side but even his and Norton's statements say that Norton wanted to the script his way cause he felt he had a good grasp which kinda says he wants it to be his movie.

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