Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Norton Not Returning As Hulk For Avengers Movie

Cue the sad walking away song

Unfortunately it's true, it has been confirmed that Edward Norton will not be reprising his role as Bruce Banner in the upcoming Avengers movie. The reasons aren't exactly confirmable but more than likely this was about money. More likely not that Norton wanted to much, because he has been very excited to do this movie since the Hulk, but because Disney/Marvel wanted to pay as little as possible for the role of Banner since the Hulk is more the star in Avengers than Bruce. At least that's what it is in the comic. Whether or not that will be true in the movie will effect how angry i will be about Norton not returning. However they did have differences in the first movie. They got into a spat cause Norton wanted a more detailed Hulk story whereas Marvel wanted it doen quick. But i say whats wrong with having a guy love the character that much. It would have made the movie better if there was some more detail but whatever. Anyway, Marvel recently tried to paint Norton in a negative light so they didn't come out as bad guys, by saying he didn't embody the role or have the right stuff. Well from the amounts of angry comments and statements Marvel has received over that statement it seems that many disagree. I am one. I loved Norton's Hulk! He looked a lot like him, he was nerdy yet strong and he was easy to root for. Well according to his agent Norton had negotiated the role with Marvel then at the last minute they backed out and said they were going another direction. Norton being a sport holds no grudges and has posted this statement to his fans on facebook.

That statement right there seems to prove he was the right man for the job. However as much as i hate to say it Norton is gone. Period. I have to except it and move on. Now Marvel has already announced who they are getting to replace Norton.

That's right it's Mark Ruffalo. No I don't think this is the best choice but it's pretty good and looking on the bright side they could have done sooo much worse! Now Ruffalo does carry the timidness of Banner the occasional charm, and i could root for him and i do like his role in Shutter Island, and Just Like Heaven and so on. I think he'll be able to do this pretty well at least i hope.

My biggest concern is that they will change the way the Hulk looks to look like Ruffalo. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT MARVEL! IT WOULD BE A HUGE MISTAKE! Look I get replacing the actors I guess but changing the way the Hulk looked would be stupid. He has to carry over into Avengers and plus he looked so damn awesome! Other than that i will be able to deal. At least as long as it's 95% Hulk and 5% Banner otherwise i will feel like they totally jipped Norton. Whatever may come here's hoping that it's awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Mark Ruffalo better step it up he's got to compete with Norton's Hulk.


