Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Captain America

More confusion has recently surfaced over the casting of Captain America.
Tuesday Fox 411 said that Krasinski was in the lead and being screen tested with multiple actersses to see how he'd work with them, however according to Heat Vision and Deadline New York,both of which say they received an update from Marvel, are saying Marvel is looking at Chris Evans(the fantastic 4 movies) Mike Vogel (Cloverfield) Wilson Bethel (The Young and The Restless) and Garret Hedlund(Tron Legacy).

Personally i kind of grew on the idea of Krasinski the more i tossed it around,he could actually pull it off if he tried hard enough, but it's probabaly for the best if he didn't get it. Out of these newcomers i think Hedlund looks the role(seen on link below)

or Mike Vogel

however I dont think Vogel has the range to be a superhero fighting during World War II and as for Hedlund i've never seen him act except in the Tron trailer(awesome by the way) so i don't know how he'd do. Also im not sure which story is the real deal, is Krasinski in the running or is marvel doing more reads, the internet is too full of unconfirmed sources so until it's official think of these only as rumors and not as fact.

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