Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Iron Fist Pt. 3

Welcome once again to my casting ideas for The Iron Fist movie. Thanks for reading by the way. Well this would be the third installment in the trilogy. The Iron Fist: The Immortal Weapons. This would follow my favorite and as far as I'm concerned best Iron Fist Story arc. Danny Rand finds out about the Iron Fists of the past and meets a man named Orson Randall, the Iron Fist before Danny. Orson explains he was the one who trained Danny's father and that there is a tournament for all the Immortal Weapons about to be held and Danny will be chosen to represent K'un-L'un. Orson and Danny fight several members of Hydra, who are seeking out a way into K'un-L'un. This all results in a tournament with Danny and 6 other Immortal Weapons of the different realms, one of them being the resurrected Davos. Meanwhile Danny unravels the past of his father as well as the intents of the enemy with the help of Heroes For Hire.

Without further adieu here is the casting of the other 5 Immortal Weapons

Dog Brother
Jet Li

Now I know this is a small part for Jet but he looks the part and it would be awesome to have such a great fighting master make an appearance in one of these movies.

Tigers Beautiful Daughter(Yeah that's her name)
Jamie Chung

She is supposed to be a very beautiful girl and have fighting skill, I think Jamie Chung suits this pretty well.

Bride of 9 Spiders
Fann Wong

I loved Fann Wong in Shanghai Knights. Bride of 9 Spiders specializes in, well turning into a mass of spiders and controlling them. I think Fann Wong looks the part and could play it well since she seems calm yet focused.

Prince of Orphans
Vigo Mortenson

Now I admit i got this idea and pic from someone else but i totally agree. I think Vigo would look it and play his mysterious nature perfectly.

Fat Cobra
I have no idea who should play this sumo like fighter. I don't know any large asian actors so that will be left up to you the reader.

Orson Randall
Bruce Willis

I'm not a huge Willis fan but I do acknowledge he's a badass and would play this part to a T.
He's gruff, tough and regrettful.

Young Wendell Rand
Garret Hedlund

I just like him and think he'd do a killer job.

Well there are my picks for all the movies and each plot idea. I hope you enjoyed and as i said if you have any suggestions let me know.
Thanks again for reading!

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