Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Immortal Iron Fist Movie Casting and Script Ideas Pt 2

Now if you've read my other Iron fist post below then you know what this is all about. If not read it right now, just scroll down cause that's alot to type again and i don't wanna paste it. Any who so i think all movies should be done in trilogies so I have three script ideas for the Iron Fist trilogy, you already read the first one(if not once again just scroll down)so here is my idea for the second one.(cast picks after)

This one would mainly be about the Origin of Luke Cage(don't know why i capitalized origin) and the forming of The Heroes For Hire crew. Don't know who that is? Well in the comics it's a group of super powered people who take assignments for people in need. It consisted of Luke Cage/Power Man, Colleen Wing, Misty Knight, and Danny Rand/Iron Fist. Oh and Jeryn is their unofficial leader kind of and their lawyer. Anyways we see the origin of Luke Cage where he undergoes a genetic experiment in prison(he was framed by a jealous friend) with the hopes of getting parole for it. The experiment gives him his trademark steel like skin and enhanced muscles. He then breaks out of the prison with his new strength and goes to find the man who framed him (Willis Stryker who has now become the criminal Diamondback and agent of the crime syndicate the Maggia family)along the way he encounters and fights Maggia members and attracts the attention of police and during a standoff, the Iron Fist shows up and attempts to stop him but is amazed at how Cage can take his hits and Cage is the same with the strength of Danny's punches. Anyways he explains he doesn't wanna hurt Danny but he has a mission. He tries to hit Danny but the punch is blocked by Misty Knight's new bionic arm and the two team up against Cage but Cage flees. The Maggia and Diamondback being aware of Cages return send more thugs to kill or recruit him. Since Danny and the gang are looking for Cage they get into some scrapes with the Maggia as well. It later ends up with a team up among Danny and the gang with Luke Cage to stop the Maggia once they see he is trying to take them down. The fight boils down to a match between Diamondback and his specialized throwing knives and Danny/Cage. It all ends with the forming of the team Heroes For Hire. A group that acts as a detective agency for those in trouble. Maybe they get a phone call about a case and headout. The end.

Now onto the casting:
I only have to pick two new people so

Eric King as Luke Cage/Power Man

Eric King is Luke Cage no doubt watch Dexter and tell me he isn't unlike the rumored Idris Elba King can actually play tough street and when you see him in a yellow shirt near the end of season 2 he looks just like him!

Michael Jai White as Willis Stryker/Diamondback

White is a great actor and i loved him in Spawn and he looks to me alot like Stryker

Well that's it. Stay tuned for part three. I promise the plot idea will be much shorter.
Thanks for reading!

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