Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Batman Villain Casting Suggestions

After the release of Chris Nolan's Inception and a recent buzz about an actor from the movie playing the next Batman villain possibly, he's perfect by the way,I have decided to remind us of his perfect castings in the past for the amazing villains so far and since villains in every Batman movie have come in pairs, suggest my two choices.
Liam Neeson as Rahs Al Ghul

Cillian Murphy as Scarecrow

Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent/Two-Face

And of course Heath Ledger as The Joker

Looking back that is some of the best casting in the history of movies, so whats next? Well here are my suggestions for the next two villains and the actors who should play them.
First off Joseph-Gordon Levitt as Edward Nigma aka The Riddler, now this was suggested by others and as a recent article stated Nolan loves to cast from his pool of core actors so Levitt may be a natural. I and my friends think this would be a phenomenal choice. Levitt has great range and in the past has played crazy yet cool very well, plus he looks the part.

As the supporting villain i think it should be Deadshot. In the comics he is an assassin specializing in sniping who offers his services to anyone. Even more interesting is that Deadshot always wants to die, or at least doesn't care if he does as long as it's spectacular.
I think it would be a great story if The Riddler comes in trying to find out Batman's identity and A.either hires Deadshot as a way to lure Batman out or intimidate him, or B.someone else hires him to kill Batman, so now we have to villains competing for the Bat one in a methodical yet insane way and the other in straight out killing. I just think they would be a great complimentary pair. Who would i like to play this assassin that never misses, well i like Tom Jane, he was the Punisher in the Marvel movie in "04 and i think he has the great intensity and right look to pull this role off.

Well there's my suggestions, regardless i cant wait for the next movie. Let me know what you think of the choices or if you have any of your own.
Thanks for readin.