Monday, June 28, 2010

The Dr. Strange Movie

Reports have surfaced that Marvel/Disney has hired writers Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer to write the script for a Dr. Strange movie. For those of you who don't know who he is, Stephen Strange is a sorcerer, actually the sorcerer supreme. He possesses many magical abilities and items. His origin i he is a world-renowned but selfish neurosurgeon, until a car accident damaged his hands, preventing him from conducting surgery. Depressed he searches the world for a cure to his condition, Strange locates a hermit called the Ancient One in the Himalayas and is taught the mystic arts.

I love Dr. Strange!

Already an actor has approached the role, who is it? Patrick Dempsey.

Now definitely he looks the part at least facially and he has already played a Doctor, but i don't know if he's right for the part. His acting fluctuates. He's god sometimes and awful others. But what makes me want him to get the role is that he jumped for it so eagerly that he would probably give it his all.

However Dr. Strange has to use magic and chant and have an odd yet arrogant vibe to him. I personally think the best man for the part is Johnny Depp.

He plays this kind of role so well, Secret Window and the Ninth Gate are great examples. He could pull it off with the cool suave intelligence and looks so much like him. I think he could RDJ this character and would make this movie great. But like i said Dempsey isn't bad either.

Regardless i think this movie will be great and i cant wait for more details.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Picks For The New Fantastic Four Movie

There have been rumors that the Fantastic Four franchise was being rebooted and thankfully this is true! I like the Fantastic 4 but those movies sucked! They were to campy and the stories minimized great characters like Doom, and Galactacus and the Silver Surfer. So I'm excited! I can't wait to see the new cast and the new story, they said it would be darker which is what the Fantastic 4 needs. There is a downside however, Akiva Goldsman is the producer for the new movie, for those who don't know he is the man who wrote the godawful Batman and Robin script(the one with Mr. Freeze and all his ice puns) so that makes me worry, but Green Lantern writer and Heroes co-producer Michael Green is the writer for the movie so that makes it alot better, i feel very sure Green can make this movie great. With Marvels movies like Iron Man and Hulk being so great Fox needs to step up their Marvel movies like Spider-man Daredevil and F4 so i hope this goes great. But in light of the reboot just like with Spider-man I've made a list of actors i think would be great for the characters. But this time i have a story idea.

I don't think the villain should be Doom, he is the arch enemy but i think to really get the measure of his power he should be in a sequel when he's had time to hone his evil powers. I think the first movie should be about a villain called the Mad Thinker. He is a F4 villain with a super intellect that lays out meticulous plans that unfold perfectly and in the comics gains control of the criminal underworld making the bosses his generals to take over New York. He later breaks into the Baxter building(base of the F4)to get Reeds tech and builds an android to fight them. I think this would make a great origin villain. It can have the F4 adjusting to their powers battling someone without them then escalate to a fight with the android and at the very end show Doom come to power. But that's just me. Any who here's my pics.

Rutger Hauer as The Mad Thinker
He looks like him and he seems to be very intellectual plus he knows how to play menacing.

Rufus Sewell as Victor Von Doom
If anyone has seen Knights Tale you know he's a great villain, arrogant, conniving intimidating and strong plus i think his voice would sound great coming from behind Doom's mask.

Alexis Denisof or Greg Kinear as Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic
I am having trouble deciding between the two, i think they are both great actors and would make Reed come alive. They both are smart and awkward type actors and can pull off the blue spandex.

Justin Bartha as Reed Richards
This is in case they go with the Ultimates version of the Fantastic 4, in the Ultimates universe they are all young. He's awkward yet good looking and and just likeable.

Yvonne Strahovski or Tricia Helfer as Sue Storm/The Invisible Woman
Both are great choices yet again. Yvonne you'd know from the show Chuck but then again Tricia Helfer was agent Alex Forrest in Chuck episode 1. I think i prefer Helfer a bit more, she is sexier,which sue Storm is supposed to be, and she has comic experience she was the voice of Black Cat in the Spectacular Spider-man show and the Web Of Shadows game and Sif in Superhero squad. I think Yvonne for the Ultimates version but Helfer for the older version.

Vin Diesel as the Thing
Hes buff and can pull off the voice, he was the voice of the Giant in The Iron Giant

Brad Garrett as the voice of The Thing
This is if they do cgi, i think it would be great, they used this method for the Silver Surfer, someone else as the motion capture and a voice actor. I think Garrett's voice is perfect for The Thing, i always imagined it sounding like his Robert voice from Everybody Loves Raymond when i read the comics.

Mike Vogel as The Human Torch
He looks almost exactly like the comics depiction and he plays the macho sarcastic dude role well plus he can amp up the intensity for those fights, and he could pull off wearing those tights.

Well those are my picks i hope you enjoyed and let me know what you guys come up with.
Thanks for reading!

Captain America Concept Art

That's right according to reports this is the concept art for the Captain America movie, featuring Chris Evans inside the design for Caps suit!

To me it looks completely awesome! I can't wait!!!!!

As a bonus here's some concept art for Chris Hemsworth as Thor