Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fantastic February! And reboot ideas pt. 1

Hello readers and welcome to another themed month! This month we feature one of the campiest and well known superhero teams, the Fantastic 4! Yep all month long we will be talking F4 movies and comics but first off the reboot, if you've read my previous posts in the past about The Immortal Iron Fist movies, i like to do fancasts and my script ideas for the movies of the hero I'm featuring. Now obviously you don't have to like my ideas or my castings but I'm still gonna do em anyways so lets get started.

For those of you who don't know the Fantastic 4 is a story about a group of 4 individuals, Reed Richards(genius), Sue Storm(actress and love interest), Johnny Storm(party boy and Sue's brother) and Ben Grimm (Reed's best friend, former pilot and tough guy) who go on a mission to space where they are exposed to cosmic rays that give them "fantastic" powers! Reed gains the ability to stretch to great lengths, Sue can create force fields and can become invisible. Johnny can light himself on fire, shoot fire blasts and fly, and Ben becomes a big rock covered brute with immense strength. Now the main villain is usually Victor Von Doom a long time rival and associate of Reed's he also becomes changed on their mission.

Now as for these new movies instead of choosing between the Ultimate Universe story lines and the regular F4 story lines i think the best movie would be a mix of the two. Use the Ultimate versions origin story where they are changed as they cross through a portal(it's a long story to explain here) and use the Ultimate universe's younger characters since i think the sometimes goofy powers they possess would be easier to handle with younger heroes than full adults(also in the Ult. Universe Sue is smart and a biologist). But i think they should use regular F4 story lines for villains and such since the Ultimate universes are surprisingly more ridiculous.

Now first of here are my ideas for the casting, I'm going to do older and younger versions. First the older:

Rob Lowe as Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic

I think he looks the part and can play smart and wrapped up in work as well as action.

Malin Akerman as Sue Storm/Invisible Woman

Shes gorgeous and can be loving and unlike Jessica Alba looks the part oh and she can do action as seen in Watchmen.

Mike Vogel as Johnny Storm/The Human Torch

He's funny, can play a party boy and on top of that can throw down for some action

Brad Garrett as the voice of The Thing if its CGI which it probably should be

His Robert voice on Everybody Loves Raymond is PERFECT! I've always imagined it that way when i read the comics.

Vin Diesel as The Thing if they do make-up

He's buff can be intimidating and has a great voice for it, he was the voice of the iron giant in The Iron Giant, but i only want real in costume if they can make the make-up a nit better than in the previous movies.

Rufus Sewell as Victor Von Doom

Anyone who has seen A Knights Tale knows he can play smart, tough and very menacing.

Now for the young:

Justin Bartha as Reed

I think he is the best for the role of a younger Reed. He's smart, plays nerdy and witty really well plus he can be tough and noble.

Sarah Michelle Gellar as Sue

She is gorgeous, smart, can play tough and independent plus she has fight and stunt work experience.

Jake Abel as Johnny

I like Jake Abel, he's new but he's good he's tough and strong in both Percy Jackson as well as Supernatural and in real life is sarcastic and pretends to be a ladies man i thinks he's great for it.

As for Ben same for the older version however i have no idea who should play pre-transformation Ben(feel free to leave some suggestions).

Adrian Pasadar as Victor Van Damme

Tough, played in the hero game before, good looking and can play menacing and back stabbing real easy plus he has a gravely voice.

As for the villain i think Doom should be saved for the finale, the third movie. Give him time to rise and become this monstrous villain and come into his own right instead of diving right in. I think the first villain should be the Mad Thinker. He's a villains who lays out these meticulous plans that play out perfectly and gains control of crime underworld making crime bosses his generals. I think this would be a perfect first villain cause it gives them a normal semi-normal person to first try there powers on. Who should play him? I like Rutger Hauer for the role. Smart and conniving.

So here's my plot idea:

Open on a desert where we see the teleporting device that changes them, and we get a Watchmen-esque explosion. all 4 of the team are blown out, Sue rolls on the ground and flickers to a skeleton then back to normal, Reed rolls on the ground limbs flimsy and elongated. Ben hits a suburban with a huge impact that breaks it in half, and Johnny stands up and ignites then stops then ignites again, they get taken by a crew back to the Baxter Building(the F4's home base basically). while being wheeled in Reed wakes up and sees his fingers elongated like they are melting and the other 3 in their strange states then black and we cut to the signature 4. Get 6 months earlier and we get the whole back story of Reed being accepted into the Baxter Buildings program and meeting the crew and such, then he meets Victor Van Damme and such. then back to the present with Reed's awakening.
Then we see the Mad Thinker pulling some genius job and he spots the Baxter Building and makes plans to steal and build androids to have a super strong gang of thugs instead of what he views as morons in his malevolent employ.

After getting use to power montages and suits and such Reed notes the Mad Thinkers recent hits and discovers based on a pattern of escalation the Baxter Building is next. Just then we see the Mad Thinker in the lobby with a large group of thugs disguised as cops and the invasion begins!

The Mad Thinker gets shockwave emitting gloves and builds his Awesome Android. Then the 4 enter to stop him, Ben/The Thing begins to fight android, they crash out window and take fight out there, Johnny takes out snipers trained on the building, Sue takes out the remaining horde of gunmen with invisibility fighting similar to Nightcrawler in X-Men 2 and Reed fights the Thinker. Battle ends with his defeat and possible accidental death maybe he blows himself up, and the papers call them the Fantastic 4 thus the name sticks and end with some crime going on they have their logos on and the Thing says "it's clobbering time!!!"

The end sorry if it bored you hahaha but oh well stay tuned all month long for the other 2 movies and more!

Thanks for reading!